
General Information about Congo

  • Name: Congo
  • African Abbreviation: RC
  • Capital City: Brazzaville
  • Population: 5,518,087
  • African Subregion: Middle Africa

Country Flag

Country Flag

Economic Information

  • GDP (thousands): 10,820,591.13
  • GDP Growth (annual %) in 2019: -.9
  • GDP Per Capita: 2011.1

A Brief Overview of Congo

Located just across the river from the capital city of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kinshasa, sits the capital city of the Republic of Congo, Brazzaville.

Christianity and colonialism had a huge impact on the art forms and culture of the country. Precolonial arts emphasized ceremonial music, dance, sculpture, and oral literature. In the 1980s, Brazzaville became a major center for the production of contemporary African music, also known as Congolese music or rumba, which mixes traditional African rhythms and instruments. This music is popular across the continent.

Congolese people observe the major holidays that Christians do. Soccer is a popular sport in Congo and is widely played and watched.


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