
General Information about Eswatini

  • Name: Eswatini (formerly Swaziland)
  • African Abbreviation: SZ
  • Capital City: Mbabane
  • Population: 1,160,164
  • African Subregion: Southern Africa

Country Flag

Country Flag

Economic Information

  • GDP (thousands): 4,405,405.80
  • GDP Growth (annual %) in 2019: 2
  • GDP Per Capita: 3837.0

A Brief Overview of Eswatini

The country has two main cultural events. The first is Incwala which is a complex ritual of renewing the kingship and the nation, with special dances and songs for the occasion, lasting 6 days. The other is the Umhlanga, which brings the unmarried girls and young women of the country together to cut reeds to repair the windbreaks of the queen's home village for 5 days.

Common musical instruments are simple design, such as a kudu horn, a calabash, the reed flute, and more. Nowadays people listen to the radio or record/tape players.


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