
General Information about Ethiopia

  • Name: Ethiopia
  • African Abbreviation: ET
  • Capital City: Addis Ababa (Addis Abeba)
  • Population: 114,963,588
  • African Subregion: Eastern Africa

Country Flag

Country Flag

Economic Information

  • GDP (thousands): 96,107,662.40
  • GDP Growth (annual %) in 2019: 8.3
  • GDP Per Capita: 857.5

A Brief Overview of Ethiopia

Ethiopia has 84 indigenous languages, while English is the most widely spoken foreign languae. Local languaes are commonly used in schools.

After the fall of the Derg regime in 1991, the constitution granted all ethnic groups the right to develop their languages and to establish a mother tongue that is primary for their education systems. With this, Ethiopia is a multi-cultural and multi-ethnic country. Religion is quite important with the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and Muslim being the two largest groups.

The extended family is the focus of the social system. Individuals achieve recognition or social standing through their extended family.


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