
General Information about Guinea

  • Name: Guinea
  • African Abbreviation: GU
  • Capital City: Conakry
  • Population: 13,132,795
  • African Subregion: Western Africa

Country Flag

Country Flag

Economic Information

  • GDP (thousands): 13,590,281.81
  • GDP Growth (annual %) in 2019: 5.6
  • GDP Per Capita: 1064.1

A Brief Overview of Guinea

Guinea is a largely Muslim country with a small percentage of Christians. Local people remain true to their ethnic backgrounds, but French customs are still prevalent. Guinea declared independence from France in 1958. Power struggles plagued the country's post-independence politics, leading to instability. Lately the country has been involved in territorial struggles and quarrels over mineral wealth against neighboring Sierra Leone and Liberia.

Major ethnic groups in the country include the Fula, Maninka, and Susus. Music is a huge aspect of life and locals celebrate a lot of festivals to commemorate this prevalent art form. Folk music is still revered today.


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